Journal Partners

This section is intended to detail the requirements, terms, and benefits of Journal Partnership with ResearchHub. This information is liable to change as we improve the program.

In order to be eligible to take part in the ResearchHub Journal Partnership program, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The Journal needs to have a journal account on ResearchHub

  2. The Journal needs to upload a minimum of 10 papers

  3. The Journal needs to have at least 20 authors claiming their publications on ResearchHub

Once the above criteria are met, the Journal can go through the dedicated onboarding process on Onboarding (below). The ResearchHub team will verify that the criteria are met and the application will be approved for onboarding.

Follow-up: The last stage of the onboarding process will require a representative of the Journal to schedule a 15 minute video interview with a certified ResearchHub representative.

Last updated