Peer Review Program Guidelines

ResearchHub Foundation is committed to restructuring the incentives that exist in academia currently. One step towards this to compensate peer reviewers for their contributions to the body of research

  1. Submit an AirTable Application to be documented as a Peer Reviewer

    You may not receive any communication from ResearchHub Foundation immediately, but we will have your contact information and expertise in our database for future opportunities

  2. Get notified from a ResearchHub Editor if an opportunity for you to peer review arises

    You will receive contact from an Editor using an official email ( or providing you next steps which will include:

Peer Reviewers are encouraged to utilize the recently launched in-line commenting feature to conduct discrete and full-length peer review:

Please note: As ResearchHub is an open platform for scientific discussion, you do not need to be approved to submit a peer review on any given article - however, this program is designed to gather a curated list of known high quality peer reviewers who would like to receive notification of assignments that overlap with their skillset.

We also encourage users who are passionate and knowledgeable about a given area to suggest pre-prints to be peer-reviewed, by directly uploading these pre-prints to the BioRXiv Community Reviews Hub on ResearchHub

Last updated